Dallas Rear-End Crashes Lawyer

Rear-end crashes are one of the most common types of collisions. They make up 29% of all motor vehicle accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Despite their common nature, many accident victims do not know what to do after a rear-end crash. This is precisely why you should contact a Dallas rear-end crashes lawyer.

Jay Murray Car Accident and Truck Accident Lawyers has represented accident victims throughout Dallas, TX, since 1995. Our Dallas rear-end crashes attorneys have recovered more than $110 million. Call us at (214) 855-1420 or contact us online today to learn more about how we can help with your car accident case in Dallas, Texas. 

How Jay Murray Car Accident and Truck Accident Lawyers Can Help After a Rear-End Crash in Dallas

How Jay Murray Car Accident and Truck Accident Lawyers Can Help After a Rear-End Crash in Dallas

If you were injured in a rear-end car accident in Dallas, TX, you may find it difficult to obtain the compensation you need without the help of an experienced Dallas personal injury lawyer. 

With over 30 years of experience, the Dallas car accident attorneys from Jay Murray Car Accident and Truck Accident Lawyers can build your claim for compensation by:

  • Identifying all parties responsible for the accident
  • Gathering evidence to establish fault
  • Working with your m compiling documentation      
  • Fighting for a car accident settlement that fairly compensates you for your injuries and losses
  • Taking your case to court, if necessary 

We can discuss more about how our Dallas rear-end crashes attorneys can help when you call for a free case review. 

Common Types of Injuries Car Accident Victims Suffer In Rear-End Collisions

Because many rear-end accidents happen at stop lights, stop signs, or slow traffic, many people underestimate the significant injuries that can occur in these accidents. One of the most common injuries accident victims suffer is whiplash, which is caused when the neck bends forcibly forward and then backward, a common motion in rear-end accidents. This injury can affect the neck’s muscles, discs, nerves, and tendons, often causing pain and loss of mobility. 

Rear-end accident victims also suffer other injuries, such as neck and back injuries. Fractures and soft tissue injuries are also common. 

The first step to obtaining compensation after a rear-end accident is to identify how the accident happened and who is at fault. 

Common Causes of Rear-End Accidents

Rear-end accidents can occur for many reasons, including the following:

  • Following too closely – All drivers must give enough space to others so that they can stop in time to avoid a collision if the other driver suddenly stops or brakes. When motorists do not provide enough space between their vehicle and the one in front of them, they can cause an accident.  
  • Speeding – When drivers speed, they increase the likelihood that they will lose control of the vehicle. They also will require more time to come to a complete stop than if they were traveling at a moderate speed. 
  • Distracted driving – A leading cause of rear-end collisions is distracted driving, including texting and other cell phone use. Drivers who are looking down may not notice when a driver in front of them slows or stops. 
  • Road conditions – Ice, snow, or rain can cause roads to be slippery. A driver may drive too fast on slick roads, causing them to lose control of their vehicle or be unable to stop, hitting the vehicle in front of them.

Whatever the cause of the accident, an experienced car accident lawyer can fight for the compensation you deserve. 

Is The Rear Driver Always at Fault for a Rear-End Crash?

The driver of the rear driver is usually at fault for a rear-end crash. This is because Texas law states explicitly that motorists must “maintain an assured clear distance between the two vehicles” so that they can “safely stop without colliding with the” other vehicle, considering the vehicles’ speeds, traffic, and highway conditions. Therefore, if a rear-end accident occurs, the rear driver may be found at fault because they may not have left enough space between them and the vehicle in front of them.

However, there are some exceptions when the front driver may be found at fault, such as:

  • Broken brake lights – When a driver has broken tail lights, other drivers cannot anticipate they are braking. 
  • Illegal maneuvers – Drivers may weave through traffic or engage in other illegal maneuvers that cause a crash. 
  • Reversing – A vehicle that is reversing must yield to oncoming traffic. 
  • Vehicle malfunctions – A vehicle may suddenly stop on the road because of a malfunction. The driver is responsible for maintaining their vehicle so it doesn’t pose a danger to others. 

An experienced car accident lawyer can review your case to determine who is at fault. 

Contact Our Dallas Rear-End Crashes Lawyer for a Free Consultation

If you were injured by a negligent driver, a Dallas rear-end crashes lawyer can help. Jay Murray Car Accident and Truck Accident Lawyers can explain your legal rights and options in Dallas, TX, during a free consultation. Call us today to get started.