Can I Be Reimbursed For Lost Wages After a Car Accident in Dallas, TX?

If you were recently injured in a car accident in Dallas, TX, you might be struggling with medical bills and other expenses. If that isn’t stressful enough, you might also have to miss time from work. 

Luckily, you can be reimbursed for your lost wages and other employment benefits if another party caused your injury. An experienced Dallas car accident lawyer at the Jay Murray Car Accident and Truck Accident Lawyers will ensure that you recover all damages you’re entitled to under Texas law. 

Contact our personal injury law firm today at (214) 855-1420 to schedule a free case assessment. You can discuss your car accident, injuries, and potential sources of compensation with an experienced attorney. 

How Can a Dallas Car Accident Attorney Help Me Recover Lost Wages?

How Can a Dallas Car Accident Attorney Help Me Recover Lost Wages?

Not all Dallas car accident victims require attorney representation. However, if you’re trying to recover future lost wages and other difficult-to-value losses, you will benefit from hiring an experienced Dallas injury attorney. 

Here’s how the Jay Murray Car Accident and Truck Accident Lawyers can help you pursue lost income and other damages after a car crash in Dallas, Texas: 

  • Investigate the collision to identify the responsible parties and sources of compensation, including insurance policies 
  • Identify all your losses and calculate the accurate value of your car accident claim
  • Negotiate with insurance companies, defense attorneys, and opponents for a fair settlement 
  • Protect you from lowball offers and unproven allegations 
  • Represent you in court if we cannot settle for a fair amount

Contact our Dallas personal injury attorney for a free consultation to learn more about recovering lost job benefits and other damages after a car accident.

What Types of Compensation Are Available After a Car Accident in Dallas, Texas? 

You should understand the types of compensation you can pursue after a crash so that you know what to include when valuing your claim. 

Texas car accident victims can recover economic damages for the expenses stemming from the collision and their resulting injuries, such as: 

  • Medical expenses
  • Future medical costs for physical therapy, rehabilitation, etc. 
  • Lost wages and benefits
  • Reduced earning potential 
  • Property damage
  • Out-of-pocket expenses for transportation, childcare, etc. 

You may also be entitled to the following non-economic damages after a Texas car accident: 

The primary goal of filing a personal injury claim is to become financially whole again. 

What Can Be Included in Lost Wages Claims? 

When you file a claim for loss of income, it can generally include any compensation you would’ve earned if you hadn’t been involved in a motor vehicle accident. 

For example, you may need to miss work to go to doctor’s appointments and follow-ups, or you may be completely unable to earn a living while you’re recovering.

Lost wages, which are part of your economic damages, might include the following: 

  • Your salary or hourly wages you would’ve earned if you didn’t take time off to recover
  • Paid time off (PTO) you used
  • Vacation or sick days you used
  • Bonuses, commissions, or tips 
  • Retirement account contributions you missed out on 
  • Overtime pay you would’ve received had you worked as usual
  • Raises you would’ve received if you were working
  • Income you lost as an independent contractor, self-employed person, or freelancer

In addition to lost wages, you may be entitled to diminished earning capacity if you’ve suffered permanent impairment or disability.

For example, say you can return to work, but only in a limited capacity. Or, you have to accept a lower-wage position due to your impairment. In that case, you can file a claim for reduced earning potential. 

How Do I Prove Lost Wages in a Dallas Car Accident Claim? 

Because Texas is an at-fault state for car accidents, you’ll need to prove that the other driver was responsible for the collision to recover compensation from them. That usually requires proving negligence. If you can do that, you’ll typically be entitled to financial recovery from the at-fault driver’s liability auto insurance provider.

Once you prove liability, you’ll need evidence demonstrating the extent of your damages. In a lost wage claim, you must also show that you couldn’t work due to your injuries. 

To prove an inability to work, you can obtain statements from your healthcare providers explaining how your injuries prevented you from working or performing job duties. You can also offer medical records or expert witness opinions to demonstrate the severity of your injuries. 

To prove that you missed time from work and the value of your lost wages, you’ll need evidence like: 

  • A letter from your employer verifying the days you missed
  • Proof of your pre-injury salary, such as pay stubs 
  • Income tax returns, W-2s, or 1099s
  • Time cards
  • Employment handbook outlining benefits and policies
  • Bank account statements
  • Retirement account statements

When calculating your lost wages, you’ll add up the salary and other income you would’ve earned had you worked. It can be challenging – particularly if you’re self-employed – to value these damages. A Dallas car accident attorney can help.

How Do I Prove Diminished Earning Capacity and Future Lost Earnings? 

You’ll need the same types of evidence for these claims. However, proving future earnings can be difficult. 

For example, say you’re permanently disabled due to the collision. You’ve accepted a lower-paying job with lighter duties. For a reduced earning capacity claim, you must demonstrate the difference between your pre-injury income and post-injury wages now and in the future. 

You’ll likely need assistance from an expert to prove your future income. 

For example, a financial expert may evaluate: 

  • Your age and life expectancy
  • Your earning history
  • Your position, education, skills, and experience level 
  • Your anticipated retirement age and the number of years you’ve worked
  • Your ability to obtain employment in light of your disability or impairment

Our car accident attorney in Dallas has built relationships with leading experts, which we’ll use to prove and strengthen your claim.

Contact a Dallas Auto Accident Lawyer for Help Pursuing Lost Wages After a Collision

Proving lost wages and loss of future income can be challenging. Contact the Jay Murray Car Accident and Truck Accident Lawyers at (214) 855-1420 to discuss your case with an experienced car accident lawyer in Dallas, TX.