When Do You Need to Hire a Dallas Car Accident Lawyer?

You may have heard that, if you were injured in a car accident in Dallas, TX, you need to speak to a car accident lawyer in Dallas. But how do you know if you need a lawyer’s services in your case? And how are you supposed to afford a lawyer when you’re already drowning in medical bills?

Personal injury lawyers can help you get all the money you’re entitled to and may even save you money. Read on to learn when you need to hire a car accident lawyer and how they can help you after a crash.

You Were Hurt

The number-one most important scenario when you need to hire a car accident lawyer is if you were hurt in a Dallas car crash. If the accident was the other driver’s fault, you could be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering. But if you wait too long, the Texas statute of limitations on your case could pass and you could lose the opportunity for compensation.

Even if you think you weren’t injured in an accident, it’s important to get checked out by a doctor just in case. Some injuries can be invisible, not showing any symptoms for days, weeks, or even months after the fact. Getting checked out early can help you catch injuries soon enough to treat them before they get worse.

A car accident lawyer can help you build a case to support your claim and calculate all the damages you’re owed for your injury. They’ll make sure you get a full and fair settlement offer, even if it means going to court.

You Might Be Blamed

In spite of all the adorable geckos and friendly-seeming neighbors, insurance companies are not on your side. After a car accident, they have one goal: do everything they can to pay you as little money as they can get away with. One of the common tactics they use to avoid paying accident victims a fair settlement is to shift blame for the accident.

If you wind up blamed for an accident, you could wind up on the hook for paying the other party compensation. A good car accident lawyer is familiar with all the dirty tricks the insurance companies will use and will help to defend you against them. They’ll protect you from blame for the accident and make sure you get the money you deserve.

You or the Other Driver Don’t Have Insurance

If you or the other driver involved in your accident don’t have insurance, your personal injury claim could get a lot more complicated. If you’re uninsured, fighting blame for the accident may become even more critical. Car accident injury settlements can reach five or even six figures – more than enough to destroy your finances if you aren’t insured.

If the other driver isn’t insured, getting your fair settlement could be all but impossible. A personal injury lawyer can help you fight for full compensation and make sure you get the money you’re entitled to.

You’ve Received a Settlement Offer

If your insurance company has already reached out and made you a settlement offer in your case, you may wonder why you need a personal injury lawyer at all. Unfortunately, this is just one more dirty trick the insurance companies use to cheat you out of money. If they know you’re entitled to compensation, they’ll reach out with a lowball offer, hoping you’ll accept it without looking further into how much money you’re really owed.

A Dallas personal injury lawyer can help you calculate exactly how much compensation you’re entitled to. They’ll send demand letters and negotiate with the insurance companies to get you a fair settlement offer. And if the insurance company refuses to give you every dime you deserve, your lawyer can take your case to court to get you full compensation for your injuries.

Get the Representation You Deserve

There are several situations in which you may need a car accident lawyer on your side. If you’ve been injured in an accident, your lawyer can help you get a full and fair compensation offer. And if you think you might wind up blamed for the crash, an attorney will protect you from financial ruin.

At the Jay Murray Personal Injury Lawyers, we’re focused on taking the burden off your shoulders and putting it on ours. We always work on a contingency basis, so if we don’t recover any money in your case, you won’t pay a dime. Schedule a free consultation with us today and start getting the representation you deserve in your case.

Contact Our Car Accident Attorneys in Dallas, TX – Jay Murray Personal Injury Lawyers

If you were injured in an accident in Texas, please contact our Dallas car accident lawyers at Jay Murray Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free case evaluation today.

We serve all throughout Dallas County and surrounding areas.

Jay Murray Personal Injury Lawyers
2512 State St,
Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 855-1420
Open Mon – Fri 7:30 – 5:30
Available 24/7 to take your call!