What Does It Mean for a Truck to Jackknife?

A fully loaded semi-truck can weigh up to 80,000 pounds – a recipe for disaster if it loses control on the road. One of the most terrifying things you can see in front of you on a highway is a truck jackknifing. Often resulting from speeding and/or improper braking, a jackknifing truck can quickly cause […]

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Truck vs. Car Accidents: Implications for Personal Injury Claims

It is important to know that truck accidents can differ significantly from other motor vehicle crashes. Many factors make them unique compared to car accidents. Understanding these differences can help you file a claim for your injuries confidently. Key Differences Between Truck and Car Accidents Trucking accidents and car accidents are two types of motor […]

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How Much Does a Semi-Truck Weigh?

When you place a small compact car next to a semi-truck, it is quite clearly evident that the semi-truck is larger and heavier than the car. Be that as it may, most drivers do not appreciate how much heavier these monstrous vehicles can be compared to their everyday rides. That means they may also not […]

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Types of Commercial Driver’s Licenses in Texas

There are more than 12 million commercial vehicles cruising around the country every day. From large semi-trucks and passenger buses to small HazMat trucks, these vehicles help to keep our national infrastructure running smoothly. But not just anyone is allowed to drive these vehicles, and you might be surprised to learn that one commercial driver’s […]

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