The Deadliest Highway Stretches in Texas

Almost every year, Texas is the state with the most fatal highway accidents in the nation. In 2021, there were just shy of 4,500 deaths on roadways in the state. 

But this fact is not so surprising when you consider that there are over 300,000 miles of roads and highways in Texas (more than in any other state). 

Of those 300,000 miles of asphalt, about 25% are highways, and of that 25%, some are clearly more dangerous than others. They are often the locations of catastrophic and fatal traffic accidents, many of which have negligence or recklessness as a cause.

I-45 at Houston

People familiar with Texas highways know that certain stretches of I-45 are some of the most dangerous roads in the state. Of particular note is the stretch of I-45 between Airtex Drive and Mt. Houston Road in Houston. Also very dangerous is the stretch of I-45 from Route 5 to Exit 50.

I-35 at San Antonio

Even more deadly is a particular length of I-35 at San Antonio. It measures 2.19 miles yet is responsible for nearly six fatalities per mile. 

I-35 Austin–Dallas

I-35 is one of the principal U.S. highways through the center of the country and has been the site of numerous horrendous crashes near Dallas and Austin and between these cities.


I-10 has the distinction as the most dangerous highway in the United States. Every state it crosses must contend with accident victims, a third of whom lose their lives in Texas. Of that third, a large number pass away in or around Houston.

U.S. Highway 175 

A large number of fatalities occur on U.S. 175, which is confined entirely within Texas boundaries. Particularly dangerous is the length of U.S. 175 in and around Dallas. 


I-20 sees accidents throughout Texas, but most of them occur in or near Dallas, as is the case with U.S. 175.

U.S. Route 290

U.S. Route 290, like U.S. 175, is located exclusively inside Texas. As the principal route between Austin and Houston, it experiences a number of fatal car accidents each year. 

Other dangerous highways in Texas include I-37, which is a widely utilized but short stretch of highway, I-30 in Dallas, and I-820 in Fort Worth.

Tips to Stay Safe on Texas Highways

It is impossible to completely control the future. But you can control aspects of it. When you’re driving on any highway, you can make choices that will help you stay as safe as possible under the circumstances. And if an accident does occur, there are steps you can take to help prevent any further destruction or injuries.

You can substantially reduce the odds of or prevent an accident from occurring by:

  • Refraining from texting, talking, or doing anything else on your phone
  • Refraining from drinking and driving
  • Obeying all traffic signs and signals
  • Allowing for enough space between you and other vehicles
  • Maintaining your vehicle in a safe condition
  • Choosing not to drive when weather conditions are hazardous
  • Driving at a safe speed

And if you are ever in an accident:

  • Get to safety
  • Consider seeking medical attention
  • Call first responders
  • Do not admit guilt or apologize
  • Take photos and video footage if possible

If you are in a motor vehicle accident on any stretch of highway in Texas, there is a high likelihood that you will need significant compensation for your losses. 

Once you have had a medical evaluation of your injuries, seek representation from an experienced Dallas car crash attorney. You have a stronger chance to get the compensation you deserve with an attorney fighting for you. 

Contact Our Car Accident Law Firm in Dallas, TX

If you’ve been injured in an accident in Dallas, Texas, and need legal help, contact our Dallas car accident lawyers at Jay Murray Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation today.

Jay Murray Personal Injury Lawyers
2512 State St,
Dallas, TX 75201
(214) 855-1420